Blog posts, English/Spanish 2009 to present
All blog posts in English
(most recent below)
- Ismael Nafría, Part 2: Going independent, with a newsletter at the coreIt is true that you work a lot, but you can organize it, you can focus your attention on those aspects that interest you the most, or that you think are more interesting to you, or that you believe in.
- Why a digital media pro loves newslettersThe newsletter is a format, a way of communicating that I am in love with. It seems to me to be a very effective,very natural, very authentic format, which facilitates something that is the opposite of other digital platforms today.
- How I accidentally discovered the power of email newsletters 25 years agoThe attraction for digital advertisers was the same as for our print clients — our audience. It consisted of C-level executives, decision makers with a high level of education, salary, purchasing power, and personal assets.
- Lessons from a failed business newsletterBeyond the U.S. borders, Latin American publishers had also seen the opportunity years earlier and had solid relationships with advertisers who wanted to reach the U.S. market.
- Trust #14, All in: my journey in investigative journalismI needed supportive bosses, the national network of IRE, and a great… Read more: Trust #14, All in: my journey in investigative journalism
Todas las entradas en español
(las más recientes abajo)
- Bonus, Trust #12 (Confianza): 8 posts translated into SpanishEl concepto de enfocarte en construir confianza debería guiar tu trabajo en medios — atraerá apoyo financiero.
- Trust #9: Bonus post in Spanish: La contraseña es ‘Confianza’Public trust in media has economic value; la confianza del público tiene… Read more: Trust #9: Bonus post in Spanish: La contraseña es ‘Confianza’
- Confianza #8: En una redacción que trabaja 24/7, todo gira en torno a lo básicoUns veterana redactora hace hincapié en la imparcialidad y la precisión por… Read more: Confianza #8: En una redacción que trabaja 24/7, todo gira en torno a lo básico
- Confianza #7: Los medios independientes luchan contra la Gran MentiraHay miles de medios independientes en todo el mundo —es decir, independientes de influencias políticas y comerciales— que trabajan para servir a sus comunidades con noticias e información confiable sobre las que la gente pueda accionar.
- Confianza #6: Esto es lo que el público quiere de los medios de comunicaciónRasmus Kleis Nielsen subrayó la importancia de mantenerse independiente de los poderosos intereses políticos y comerciales para mantener la confianza.