Why 10% of your web traffic is worth more than the other 90%

(La versión en español se encuentra aquí.) The blessing and the curse of the web is that everything is measurable. For reporters working in newsrooms that measure the traffic of articles on a minute-to-minute basis, it can be discouraging to see fluff trump substance. In some newsrooms, reporters are competing for raises and bonuses based […]

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Why 10% of your web traffic is worth more than the other 90%

Una versión de esta columna en español se encuentra aquí. The blessing and the curse of the web is that everything is measurable. For reporters working in newsrooms that measure the traffic of articles on a minute-to-minute basis, it can be discouraging to see fluff trump substance. In some newsrooms, reporters are competing for raises […]

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Visitors to newspaper sites are lazy, selfish and ruthless

(Para leer una versión de esta nota en español, pulse aquí.) Somebody brilliant said that, and if we need any proof we need look no further than a recent study by Comscore and the Newspaper Association of America. The data show that the 103 million unique users of newspaper sites in September spent an average […]

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