Invited speaker
Video Teacher/trainer: Produced a series of training videos, in English, for a course presented by the Brazil Association of Investigative Journalism (ABRAJI) on “Independent Journalism: How to develop sustainable journalistic projects”. April.
Guest speaker: Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Media Enterprise Class. “Media entrepreneurs: How they’re creating value and changing the industry.” 10 February.
Guest on podcast: “What are the tactics of media that are doing well? Interviewed, in Spanish, by author and professor José Luis Orihuela and the popular blogger Antonio Cambronero on the Blogpocket Live podcast, 3 December.
Expert Panelist: Global Fact 8 conference, held virtually, “Fact-checking as a product: Why can’t we sell it?”, 22 October.
Expert Panelist: NewsRewired, held virtually, “Find out what your audiences value and want to pay for”, 19 October.
Expert Panelist: “Impact of global crises on news media”, at annual International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA) meeting, held virtually 27 Nov.
Online Lecture: “Five keys to making quality journalism sustainable“, for the Free University of Brussels and the technology research center IMEC, held virtually, 22 October.
Online Lecture: “How to create value and earn a good living as a freelancer in digital media,” for the European Journalism Centre’s Freelance Assembly, held virtually, 28 July.
Lecture: “Where the opportunities lie in new digital media”. European Media Management Association, Lisbon, Portugal, Postponed.
Coaching of digital media entrepreneurs (Brazil, Guatemala, Kenya), for DW Akademie’s Digital Media Pioneers, Media Innovation, focus on financial viability. February-June, 2020.
Seminar: How to launch your digital news organization using the Business Model Canvas. College of Europe, Warsaw, August.
Keynote speech: La credibilidad como la nueva moneda del periodismo: Las innovaciones en medios digitales nativos que convierten el capital social en la sostenibilidad (Credibility as the new currency of journalism: Converting social capital into sustainability). Conferencia Inaugural, Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Periodística, Malaga, España, 24 mayo 2018.
Roundtable: Commercial sources of revenue for investigative journalism. The ARIJ Conference, Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism, 30 November 2018, Dead Sea, Jordan.
Lecture: How to Build Media Credibility and Sustainable Value in the Post-Truth Era, Creima (Creative Industries and Media Management Congress), 22 septiembre 2018, Porto, Portugal.
Televised lecture: Las palabrotas que los periodistas deben decir sin ruborizarse (The dirty words journalists have to say without blushing), Agora, Universidad de la Sabana, 23 agosto 2018, Bogotá, Colombia.
Lecture: Emprender en los medios en una crisis (How media startups are surviving the crisis), Universidad de Sevilla, Seville, Spain, 8 February 2017.
Conference paper presented: Social capital to the rescue of the Fourth Estate: A playbook for converting good will into economic support. International Symposium on Online Journalism. University of Texas, Austin,
22 April 2017.
Conference paper presented: David vs. Goliat: El capital social como arma defensiva contra Facebook y Google (David vs. Goliath: Social capital as a defense against Facebook and Google), Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Periodística, Elche, España, 9 junio 2017.
Conference paper presented: Mapping the World’s Digital Media Ecosystem: The Search for Sustainability. World Media Economics and Management Conference, New York, 5 May 2016.
Conference paper presented: The Economics of Accountability Journalism: What Price is Right? International Symposium on Online Journalism, University of Texas, Austin, 16 April 2016.
2015 and earlier
Keynote speech: Sustainable financial models for investigative journalism, First Caribbean Conference on Investigative Journalism, Centro de Periodismo Investigativo, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 5 November 2015.
Roundtable: Nuevos emprendimientos periodísticos (New entrepreneurial journalism ventures), iRedes conference, Burgos, Spain, 17 April 2015.
Keynote speech: Los móviles han cambiado todas las reglas de juego (Mobile phones have changed all the rules of the game), Associació Mitjans d’Informació i Comunicació, Barcelona, 26 marzo 2015.
Keynote speech: La audiencia móvil ha cambiado todas las reglas de juego (The mobile audience has changed all the rules of the game), Congreso Internacional de Periodismo Digital, Cancun, Mexico, 6 marzo 2014.
Moderator of panel: Cuatro pioneros en periodismo digital describen sus estrategias (Four digital journalism pioneers describe their strategies). Tercer foro latinoamericano sobre medios digitales y el periodismo. Mexico City, October 2014.
Keynote speech: Periodismo emprendedor: Cómo fundar y manejar un medio de comunicación (Entrepreneurial journalism: How to launch and manage a news organization), Fundación Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano y Ministerio TIC de Colombia, Cartagena de las Indias, 17 agosto 2013 y Medellín, 9 octubre, 2013.
Seminar: El ensamblaje del nuevo periodista (Building the new journalist), Congreso itinerante de periodismo digital, Puebla, Mexico, 30 August 2013.
Lecture: Haciendo lo imposible: Emprendimientos periodísticos (Doing the impossible: Entrepreneurial journalists). Summer course, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, El Escorial, Spain, July 2012.