Trust #10: Communicators in demand
Skilled communicators in all forms of media are in demand, but there is not enough supply. In other words, there are lots of jobs.
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Skilled communicators in all forms of media are in demand, but there is not enough supply. In other words, there are lots of jobs.
Read More »Thanks to those who gave us gave us a bit of life-changing advice This is the first of a series about mentors —whether friends, family, coaches, guides, or teachers — and how we can be good mentors to others. With rapid change in the digital world, we need to be lifelong learners and teachers. Sometimes […]
Read More »Stories of how mediocre performers upped their game to join the elite It happens to almost everyone. The time arrives when you are “between jobs”. Now it’s happened to me, and it has given me time to reflect on my talents and experience to figure out what to do next. So it was a bit […]
Read More »Publications need communication grads with traditional skills and tech savvy–Joanna Sullivan Joanna Sullivan has spent much of her career as a reporter and editor of business publications. Her tenacity as an investigative reporter was one of the reasons I promoted her to editor of the Baltimore Business Journal. Her career began before digital media dominated […]
Read More »The best days are ahead for news organizations that adapt and innovate Jakub Parusinski is an optimist for the future of quality journalism, even in Eastern and Central Europe where press freedom is under threat. He believes the problems the media are facing–censorship, lawsuits, layoffs–are manageable. And he has a solution that is simple but […]
Read More »“The new journalism specialties”. The graphic shows that 56% of the Spanish journalists surveyed work in media that have community managers, and 30% employ data and traffic analysts. Click to enlarge the graphic. Where will the jobs be for graduates in journalism and communication? The results of a survey of journalists in Spain give some […]
Read More »Version en español aquí. New York Times editor Jill Abramson says that half the people coming to the newspaper’s website in the runup to the election were searching for Nate Silver, the political forecasting whiz who writes the blog FiveThirtyEight. “He got huge, huge readership,” she said at a conference covered by MediaBistro. “They weren’t coming for the […]
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