Plagiarism has profilerated; you can avoid it

Giving credit to others enhances credibility, trust We are not born knowing common courtesy. Someone has to teach us, and then we have to practice it. We also are not born knowing what plagiarism is, and those of us who haven’t learned to avoid it could be in big trouble. Plagiarizing the work of others […]

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A finger in the eye for Spanish journalists

Arsenio Escolar, photo by 20minutos Versión en español HUESCA, Spain — At first, there was timid, nervous applause from the journalists, professors, and students who were listening to harsh criticism from a respected colleague, Arsenio Escolar, the editor of 20minutos, a free distribution daily that is one of Spain’s major digital outlets. Maybe they were recognizing […]

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An optimistic book about the collapse of print media

Bernardo Diaz Nosty published a book last year that chronicled the sad history of the collapse of print media in the developed world over the past 70 years. It wasn’t bad enough that revenues had tanked and readers had fled, he said. The worst part was that news media had lost their credibility. Being the […]

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Who’s a journalist? Only the public can decide

Versión en español aquí. Jean-François Fogel has the best description I have heard of the new relationship between journalists and the public in the world of digital media. Simply put, only the public can decide whose work deserves the respect and attention we previously gave to journalists working at major media. It is the public […]

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What makes a professional journalist? Ethics

With all types of people publishing news and information on the web, how do you distinguish who is a professional journalist? After all, bloggers have broken some big stories before mainstream news organizations, for example. Many of them bring value to their work. In other words, how do journalists justify calling themselves professionals, and how do […]

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How to sell advertising without selling your soul

(Versión en español aquí.) Fayerwayer is one of the most popular blogs in the Spanish speaking world because of its frank and conversational commentaries about the latest gadgets and software.  Its founder, Leo Prieto, of Santiago, Chile, tells an instructive story about how the blog’s first advertiser created controversy among his collaborators and the blog’s […]

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