The fact is . . .
In the absence of additional information, people tend to base their beliefs on the apparent familiarity of a statement, under the assumption that if they’ve heard it before, it’s probably true.
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In the absence of additional information, people tend to base their beliefs on the apparent familiarity of a statement, under the assumption that if they’ve heard it before, it’s probably true.
Read More »Hay miles de medios independientes en todo el mundo —es decir, independientes de influencias políticas y comerciales— que trabajan para servir a sus comunidades con noticias e información confiable sobre las que la gente pueda accionar.
Read More »There are thousands of independent media around the world — independent, that is, of political and commercial influence — that are aiming to serve their communities with trustworthy news and information that people can act upon.
Read More »Tanto los científicos como los periodistas atraviesan a veces la incómoda experiencia de ver que sus investigaciones y conclusiones son cuestionadas por nuevos datos. Si eres un verdadero científico o periodista, observas la nueva información con la mente abierta. Y luego la pones a prueba. Intentas probarla o refutarla basándote en la mejor información que […]
Read More »The crisis has emboldened news organizations to make overdue changes Just a few weeks ago the dark forces of the internet seemed to demand the world’s attention. Democracy itself appeared to be shaken to its foundations. Social media and cable news can do that to you. They make it appear that everyone is a take-no-prisoners […]
Read More »Facts and science don’t matter in the new media ecosystem What follows is the abstract of my paper just published by Comunicación y Hombre, of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. The emergence of search engines and social media networks in the past two decades created a new media ecosystem. It allowed the instantaneous creation, distribution, […]
Read More »El novelista apuesta por una prensa con diversidad de voces Mario Vargas Llosa, el Nobel de la literatura, acaba de publicar una novela histórica, Tiempos recios, cuya trama se basa en el golpe de estado en Guatemala en 1954 dirigido por la CIA. Para el novelista, la trama tiene mucho que ver con el estado […]
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