Universities can lead in incubation of new media models

Ninth in a series on entrepreneurial journalism programs at universities and media organizations. Mark Briggs, the man who wrote the book about entrepreneurial journalism, believes that universities are among the best places to experiment with new business models for news. Universities embrace experimentation and risk-taking, he says. “Those are two traits that are not very inherent […]

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Mark Briggs: “crea laboratorios de emprendimientos”

  English version here. El dilema que enfrentan las escuelas y facultades de periodismo que tratan de lidiar con el cambio tecnológico acelerado, radica en determinar si lo que están enseñando hoy a sus alumnos seguirá siendo relevante, por ejemplo, dentro de un par de años.  Y es que, como explicó Mark Briggs, autor de […]

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Mark Briggs: create labs for journalism innovation

Versión en español aquí. The dilemma for journalism schools dealing with rapid technological change is to decide whether what they are teaching today will be relevant a few years from now. Many of the social media tools that are transforming journalism and society did not even exist just five years ago, said Mark Briggs, author […]

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You don’t need all the skills to get started

Entrepreneurial journalists have a tough job. They need skills not only in journalism but marketing, technology, sales, managing online communities and basic accounting, among other things. Fortunately, they don’t need to have all the skills mastered at once. Start small, but start This is one of the takeaways from entrepreneurs profiled in Mark Briggs’s book […]

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Making money Part I: Mark Briggs

This weekend I spent a day and a half participating online in NewsU’s Revenue Camp for Journalism Entrepreneurs, an intense session on some of the new ways journalists are making money on the Web. (The entire course will be available to view online in a few days; find Twitter comment at #revcamp.) One of the […]

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